SWI Final Conference

1-day conference - 17 March 2014 - Technical University of Denmark


09:30-10:00         Arrival and Breakfast

10:00-12:45         Science from the SWI Project

10:00-10:10         Welcome and introduction

                                Prof. Peter Steen Mikkelsen and Project Coordinator Anitha K. Sharma, DTU Environment

10:10-10:30         Experiences with a triple-helix project organization involving research institutes, private companies and public utilities, the SWI story

                                Project Coordinator Anitha K. Sharma, DTU Environment

10:30-11:00         Weather radars, rain gauges and distrometers – when to use what for forecasting rainfall?

                                Assoc. Prof. Michael Rasmussen, Aalborg University

11:00-11:15         Break (15 min)

11:15-11:45         Models and measurements - data assimilation tools for forecasting states in the integrated sewer-wastewater treatment system

                                Prof. Peter Steen Mikkelsen, DTU Environment

11:45-12:15         Dynamic overflow risk assessment (DORA) for optimization of integrated real time control

                                Innovation Manager Morten Grum, Krüger, Veolia Water Solutions and Technologies

12:15-12:45         Sensors for surrogate measurement of TSS and dissolved COD in urban drainage systems

                                Prof. Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski, INSA-Lyon, France

12.45-14.15         Lunch and Poster session

14:15-15:25         Experiences from the practical water world

14:15-14:35         Integrated real time control of the Copenhagen urban drainage system

                                Project leader Jesper Thyme, HOFOR

14:35-14:55         Wet weather control of wastewater treatment plants based on radar predictions

                                Head of development Dines Thornberg, Vores Rens

14:55-15:25         Real time control and warning system for urban areas and receiving waters: What is going on in Europe (PREPARED Project) and Experiences from Århus, Denmark

                                Specialist Lisbeth Birch Pedersen, DHI

15:25-15:40         Break (15 min)

15:40-16:40         Looking to other sectors and into the future

15:40-16:00         Smart grids, smart cities and how this relates to water

                                Prof. Henrik Madsen, DTU Compute

16:00-16:20         Point of view on how the results can be used in future water management

                                Waste Water Program Director Bruno Tisserand, Veolia Environment and EUREAU

16.20-16.40         Looking in the crystal ball to predict the future – discussion

                                Facilitated by Peter Steen Mikkelsen and Michael Rasmussen

16.40-18.00         Poster session, drinks and networking