15. May 2014: PhD defence by Elham Ramin. For more information visit: http://www.env.dtu.dk/english/About/Calender/Arrangement?id=c67bb225-1f21-4367-8ba2-ccefc022a1e0
17. March 2014: SWI Conference at Technical University of Denmark. For more information visit the homepage: http://www.conferencemanager.dk/SWI.
20. Dec. 2013: PhD defence by Jesper Ellerbæk Nielsen
21. - 22. May 2013: SWI Project workshop for all partners, Gilleleje
13. March 2013: Presentation of SWI project at AAU arranged by EVA
11. March 2013: Presentation of SWI project at DTU arranged by EVA
28. November 2012: SWI Project workhsop for all partners in Copenhagen
16. May 2012: Anders Breinholt will present his PhD thesis "Uncertainty in prediction and simulation of flow in sewer systems on 16th May 2012 at 2 p.m. at DTU Environment in room 011/113
27. - 28. March 2012: SWI Project workshop for all partners in Aalborg
March 2012: Newsletter (Only in Danish)
2. November 2011: Presentation of SWI Project at the DANVA Conference 1.-2. November 2011; Århus
31. October 2011: SWI Project workshop for all partners at Krüger, Århus
May 2011: Best Poster award to Signe T. Andersen at the conference on Faecal Indicators: problem or solutions? www.FIPS2011.org.
The title of the Poster is: Gastroenteritis: A waterborne outbreak affected 430 triathletes in an ironman competition- Could this be avoided?
Ph.d. Course on timeseries analysis and grey box modelling (DTU IMM m.fl.) will be held during 8.-12. August 2011.
21-22 March 2011: SWI Project Workshop for all partners at Fuglsøcenter
16-18 March 2011: Vejrradarseminar; Bornholm.
23. November 2009: SWI workshop in WP 4 on control strategies
24. November 2009: SWI Coordination workshop
22/3-2010: M.Sc.Thesis Presentation - Lisbet Sneftrup Hansen Location: DTU; Kgs. Lyngby: Time: 13:00
April/May: Weather Radar Workshop; Location: Bornholm; Language: Danish
June: Internal workshop on case sites;
September: Combined workshop (SWI project and IDA Miljø)