
The project partners include the Technical University of Denmark, Aalborg University, the Danish Meteorological Institute, two internationally oriented software and technology providers (DHI and Krüger) and 4 of the largest Danish utility companies (Avedøre Wastewater Services, HOFOR, Lynette­fællesskabet and Aarhus Vand).

Private Companies

Krüger A/S

Areas of Expertise in this project: Wastewater processes and technologies, modelling of sewer systems and treatment processes, ICA

Contact: Leif Bentsen (

University Institutes

DTU Environment

Areas of Expertise in this project: Rainfall, stormwater hydrology, wastewater treatment, health risk assessment, microbial ecology, mathematical modelling, urban water systems analysis.

Contact: Peter Steen Mikkelsen ( and Anitha Sharma (

DTU Chemical Engineering

Areas of Expertise in this project: Stochastic dynamic systems, grey-box modelling, model based control, high-performance computing.

Contact: Gürkan Sin (

DTU Compute

Areas of Expertise in this project: Process engineering, simulation and control of dynamic systems, fusion of data and models.

Contact: Henrik Madsen (

Aalborg University - Department of Civil Engineering

Areas of Expertise in this project: Local area weather radars (LAWR), hydraulic and hydrological modelling.

Contact: Michael Rasmussen (

Research Institutes

Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)

Areas of Expertise in this project: Weather modelling and application of weather radars.

Contact: Georg Bergeton Larsen (

DHI Water and Environment

Areas of Experise in this project: Numerical modelling of sewer systems and treatment plants, optimisation, application of LAWR, ICA.

Contact: Ole Mark (

Public Utilities

Avedøre Wastewater Services

Areas of Expertise in this project: End-users, wastewater management, overall demands to system performance.

Contact: Helmer Petersen (


Areas of Expertise in this project: End-users, wastewater management, overall demands to system performance.

Contact: Jesper Thyme (


Areas of Expertise in this project: End-users, wastewater management, overall demands to system performance.

Contact: Carsten Thirsing (

Aarhus Vand

Areas of Expertise in this project: End-users, wastewater management, overall demands to system performance.

Contact: Lene Bassø (