In order to take the optimal action at a certain time a number of questions arise, e.g. (i) how much and where does it rain?, (ii) how much storm- and wastewater flow is currently in the drainage system and the wastewater treatment plant and how much will there be e.g. 2 hours from now?, and (iii) given that this is known with some reliability, how can we then act in an optimal manner? The definition of “optimal” is of course highly dependent on the context, and the optimal action may therefore be very different when e.g. aiming at limiting the general environmental impact, protecting human health, saving money, etc.
To answer these questions, the project is divided into five work packages (WPs). The in-depth research and development effort aimed at answering the questions above is focused in WPs 2-4, whereas WP1 aims to integrate and synthesise the generated knowledge and coordinate the research training efforts within the project members and WP5 is focused on sharing output from the project with a broader professional resource base and ensuring a number of pilot installations of the developed technology are implemented.
Further information on the WPs can be found in the following links: WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5.